H. Williams GEOG. 1710 EARTH SCIENCE


Key words/concepts:

Earth science (Note: only the section entitled "What's the "Science" in Earth Science?" will be included on Exam 1 - the rest of the material will be included on Exam 3) is part of physical geography - a subject focusing on SPATIAL aspects of physical features (e.g. what is the pattern of rainfall in this state?) and processes (what processes create this rainfall pattern?) of the earth's surface. The course is concerned with interactions of the LITHOSPHERE (rock), ATMOSPHERE (air), HYDROSPHERE (water), and BIOSPHERE (living things). 


The Earth rotates about the axis of rotation, which connects the north and south poles; the plane of the equator is midway between the poles and at right angles to the axis. Lines connecting the poles run north-south and are called MERIDIANS or lines of LONGITUDE; lines running parallel to the equator run east-west and are called PARALLELS or lines of LATITUDE. Latitude is measured by the angle from the Earth's center north or south from the plane of the equator. Longitude is measured by the angle from the Earth's center east or west from the Prime Meridian running through Greenwich, England (Prime Meridian = 00). To increase accuracy, degrees of latitude and longitude are divided into minutes - a 60th of a degree, and seconds - a 60th of a minute. It should be noted that because longitude lines converge, the distance of 1 degree of longitude changes with latitude; i.e. at the Equator, 1 degree of longitude = 40 000 km/3600 = 111 km; 1 minute = 1.85 km; 1 second = 30 m. At 600 N, 1 degree of longitude = 20 088 km/3600 = 55.8 km; 1 minute = 0.93 km; 1 second = 15.5 m. Unlike longitude lines, latitude lines do not converge. One minute of latitude defines the NAUTICAL MILE (1.85 km) and the KNOT (1 nautical mile per hour). The scale of a map is the ratio of map distance to true distance; shown by a Graphic Scale or Representative Fraction (RF). In the U.S., the most common map is the United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle. These have an RF of 1:24000 (approximately 2.64 inches to a mile) and cover an area 7.5 minutes of longitude wide and 7.5 minutes of latitude long. Topographic maps show height by using contour lines, spot heights and bench marks. Contours appear on USGS maps as fine brown lines, with every fifth contour (called index contours) thickened. The contour interval is the vertical height difference between adjacent contours.
Geographic Information Systems combine computer-based mapping and analysis. Usually map features are stored in layers in the computer and can be superimposed on screen. The utility of GIS is the ability to manipulate and analyze very large amounts of spatial (map) data very quickly.


The earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours and revolves around the Sun in 365.25 days within the plane of the ECLIPTIC; the earth is closer to the Sun at PERIHELION on January 3rd, and furthest from the Sun at APHELION on July 4th. The Earth's axis is tilted 23.50 from the perpendicular (or 66.50 from the plane of the ecliptic). The tilt of the earth determines the angle at which the sun's rays (incoming solar radiation or insolation) strike the surface; the steeper the angle, the more the Sun's rays are concentrated and the more heating occurs - this changes throughout the year and is the cause of SEASONS. Due to this tilt, the latitude where the noon rays of the Sun are perpendicular to the surface changes throughout the year; the northernmost latitude reached by the perpendicular rays of the Sun is 23.50 north on about June 21st: this latitude is defined as the TROPIC OF CANCER; the southernmost latitude reached by the perpendicular rays of the Sun is 23.50 south on about December 21st: this latitude is defined as the TROPIC OF CAPRICORN. From the point of view of the northern hemisphere, June 21st and December 21st are the summer and winter SOLSTICE, respectively. It should also be noted that during summer solstice, poleward of 66.50 north receives continuous sunshine - so the day is 24 hours long; poleward of 66.50 south receives no sunshine - so the night is 24 hours long. This is how the ARCTIC CIRCLE and the ANTARCTIC CIRCLE are defined. The circle of illumination only passes through the poles midway between the solstices, in March and September. These times are the EQUINOXES - Spring equinox on about March 20th, Autumnal Equinox on about September 22nd. Figure 2-15 in the text is a good illustration of seasonal changes in insolation and the position of the circle of illumination.


The atmosphere is a mixture of gases, solids and liquids.

Gases: Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon: Nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9%) and argon (0.9%). Water Vapor (0-4%- it varies). Carbon Dioxide (0.0353%). Ozone (< 2ppm) is concentrated in a layer 9 - 30 miles above the surface. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Pollutant Gases (very small amounts), e.g. carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. Particles - solid and liquid. These affect weather by: 1. collect water and help to form clouds 2. some absorb or reflect insolation.

Air Pressure - the weight of the overlying air. At the surface the pressure is greatest; higher up, pressure decreases.

The atmosphere can be divided into layers according to composition, function and temperature.

Composition Profile: In terms of composition, the atmosphere is divided into the heterosphere and homosphere. In the heterosphere (above 80 km), gases are sorted into layers according to their atomic weight – the lightest gases, such as hydrogen and helium, form the higher layers; heavier gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, form lower layers. Less than one thousandth of 1 percent of the atmosphere’s mass is in the heterosphere. In the homosphere (below 80 km) gases are almost* completely mixed together into what is commonly called “air” (* exceptions are ozone and some variable gases). Much of the homosphere is made up of uniform gases – meaning the proportion of these gases remains constant from place to place and over time.

Function Profile: In terms of function, the atmosphere is divided into two layers – the ionosphere and the ozonosphere. Both layers function to remove harmful radiation and charged particles from insolation. The ionosphere, extending from 50 miles to 300 miles high, absorbs cosmic rays, gamma rays, X-rays and shorter wavelengths of UV radiation.  Atoms in the ionosphere are changed into positively charged atoms or ions by this absorption of energy – giving the ionosphere its name. The ozonosphere is named after the ozone layer (12-31 miles high). The molecule ozone (O3) is concentrated in this layer and absorbs UV radiation. The result of filtering of insolation by the ionosphere and the ozonosphere is that it is mainly visible light and infrared radiation that reaches the surface of the earth.

Temperature Profile: The temperature profile of the atmosphere results from differences in how different parts of the atmosphere absorb energy from the sun and earth. Abrupt changes in temperature define four layers:

Troposphere - this is the lowest layer where temperature decreases with height. On average the troposphere is about 11 miles deep over the equator and 5 miles deep over the poles. This layer is warmed by the earth's surface, which in turn is warmed by absorption of visible light and infrared radiation from the sun. The farther from the surface, the colder the air becomes. The top of the troposphere is the tropopause, where temperature no longer decreases with height. Virtually all WEATHER occurs within the troposphere. Weather is defined as atmospheric conditions prevalent in a given place at a given time. Weather is essentially a temporary phenomenon, changing from day to day or even from hour to hour.

Stratosphere – this layer lies between approximately 11 and 31 miles high and is generally a zone of increasing temperature: the maximum temperature of about 0o C is reached at 31 miles, after which temperature stops increasing with height - this marks the upper boundary to the stratosphere - the stratopause. The stratosphere is heated by the absorption of UV radiation by the ozone layer it contains.

Mesosphere – this layer extends up to about 50 miles and is simply the layer of the atmosphere that becomes colder with increasing distance from the heated stratosphere. The top of the mesosphere, where temperature again begins to increase, is the mesopause.

Thermosphere - temperatures again rise in the thermosphere due to the absorption of insolation by atmospheric gases.  Temperatures can reach 2200oF however, the air is extremely rarified (low density), so the actual amount of heat present is low, despite the high temperatures.

The troposphere is by far the most important layer because:
1. it contains about 75% of the mass of the atmosphere.
2. almost all atmospheric water vapor and particles are contained
within the troposphere.
3. almost all weather and climate takes place in the troposphere.
4. the tropopause acts as a "lid" on the troposphere, because it is a temperature inversion (meaning temperature increases with height, which tends to stop air from rising).

Solar Energy and Temperature

Virtually all energy received at the surface of the Earth is insolation. This energy is in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which travels as waves and can be classified by wavelength e.g. visible light = 0.4 - 0.7 micrometer wavelengths. Both wavelength and intensity of radiation depend mainly on temperature - the higher the temperature the shorter the wavelengths emitted and the higher the intensity of radiation. E.g. Sun @ 60000 C emits short wave radiation at a high intensity; Earth @ 150 C emits long wave radiation at a much lower intensity. The output of insolation is constant = THE SOLAR CONSTANT (2 calories per square centimeter per minute, or 2 Langleys per minute).

Transmission: The atmosphere transmits most of the Sun's short wave radiation (except UV which is absorbed by ozone). However, long wave radiation given off by the Earth is not readily transmitted through the atmosphere; for example, it is absorbed by carbon dioxide - most is absorbed or reflected back to Earth - especially if the sky is cloudy or contains particles. This "traps" heat energy down near the surface and is referred to as the "Greenhouse Effect" (i.e. radiant energy can get in but can't easily get out).

Scattering: Some radiation is scattered as it passes through the atmosphere; short waves are more effectively scattered than long waves, so the sky appears blue. At sunrise and sunset the sky appears red because blue wavelengths are scattered out during the longer passage through the atmosphere.

Absorption and Reflection: Most radiation striking an object is either absorbed or reflected. Absorption raises the temperature of the object (e.g. ozone, the ground); reflection simply redirects the radiation without changing it. The percentage of insolation reflected is known as the ALBEDO.

Transfer of Heat to the Atmosphere: Absorption of radiation heats the earth's surface; this heat is then transferred to the atmosphere by 1. Re-radiation - the surface emits long wave radiation which is mostly absorbed by the atmosphere, particularly if cloudy. 2. Conduction - transfer of heat by physical contact; only heats a thin layer of air in touch with the surface. 3. Advection and Convection - horizontal and vertical mixing of air transfers surface heat to higher in the atmosphere.

Adiabatic Heating And Cooling: As air rises it encounters lower pressure, expands and cools; descending air encounters higher pressure, is compressed and become warmer. Note: ADIABATIC means without energy loss or gain - the temperature changes are caused by expansion or compression, not by input or output of energy.

Overall, for the whole planet on average, there is a balance between incoming and outgoing radiation (if this were not true, the earth would grow progressively hotter or colder); however, there are clearly differences in the amount of heat received at different locations and in different seasons. What causes these differences?

LATITUDE is the major control on: 1. Angle of insolation 2. Length of day 3. Atmospheric Obstruction - the length of travel by insolation through the atmosphere is longer at higher latitudes; therefore there tends to be more absorption, reflection and scattering, so less reaches the surface. These factors all result in higher insolation at lower latitudes. The location of maximum insolation coincides with the movement of the Sun - it is centered around the Tropic of Capricorn in December and around the Tropic of Cancer in June. However, this pattern is not perfect - locations at the same latitude do not receive exactly the same heating - Why?

1. CLOUDINESS - some place are more cloudy than others at the same latitude. 2. LAND-WATER CONTRASTS - land heats and cools faster and to a greater degree than water - why? i) water has higher specific heat (5X) ii) insolation penetrates water (less concentrated) iii) water mixes (convection) iv) water evaporates - this process uses heat energy -> less energy available to cause heating. The result is that oceans MODERATE the temperatures of coastal regions - keeps them cool in summer, warm in winter. The hottest and coldest temperatures occur in the interior of large land masses, far removed from the oceans.

Latitudinal Radiation Balance: there is a surplus of radiation in equatorial regions and a deficit of radiation at high latitudes. In other words, between 280 N and 330 S there is more incoming short wave radiation than outgoing long wave radiation, and this is reversed poleward of this region. Why doesn't the surplus region get hotter and hotter and the deficit region get colder and colder?

Answer = The imbalance drives global atmospheric and oceanic circulations. These movements of air and water carry surplus energy away from the tropics and deliver it to the polar regions, thereby balancing the energy budgets. The atmosphere is most important, accounting for 75-80% of this heat transfer.

Example Questions

1. The circumference of the Earth is about:
a. 10 000 km b. 25 000 km c. 40 000 km d. 55 000 km

2. At the equator, 1 degree of longitude is about:
a. 2 km b. 11 km c. 55.8 km d. 111 km

3. On which date are the noon sun's rays perpendicular to the surface at the Tropic of Capricorn:
a. December 21st b. September 22nd c. March 20th d. June 21st

4. The 3rd most abundant gas in the atmosphere is:
a. oxygen b. nitrogen c. carbon dioxide d. argon

5. The angle of the noon sun's rays at the equator on September 22nd is:
a. 23.5 degrees b. 66.5 degrees c. 90 degrees d. 0 degrees

6. The Sun emits              radiation:
a. low intensity shortwave   b. high intensity longwave   c. high intensity shortwave   d. low intensity longwave

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